Our History

Mackay was experiencing a long-term tight housing market, and high rents.

Low to middle income workers were pushed out of their housing. 

People were forced to live in back yard sheds, shipping containers, tents, overcrowded and other unsuitable housing conditions. 

Employers struggled to find and maintain key workers. 

Wages increased to retain workers in the region and these increases were passed onto the consumer. 

Mackay Regional Council established an Affordable Housing Task Force.

Discussions about an affordable housing company in Mackay took shape.

Mackay Regional Council resolved to sponsor the establishment of the Mackay Regional Housing Company.  

Cr George Christensen called on developers, building companies, the social housing sector and anyone with vision, to be part or an organisation which work to make housing more affordable to rent and buy. 

Executive Officer, David McKendry and Community Development Worker - Jan Hansen worked with community to recruit the inaugural shareholders and company directors.  

27 May 2009 

The Mackay Regional Housing Company Shareholder's Foundation Meeting 

The Shareholders Agreement was signed and authorised

Voting for Directors was undertaken

The A Class Shareholders voted for 

- George Christensen

- Sandra Winner

- Stephen Wallace

- Kelly Parker

- Josephine Comerford

The B Class Shareholders voted for 

- Gavin Rogers

- Andrew Paul

The C Class Shareholders voted for 

- Julie Boyd

14 August 2009  

Mackay Regional Housing Company  was incorporated

27 August 2009 

The Initial Meeting of the Mackay Regional Housing Company Board

Julie Boyd was appointed Chairperson

The directors formally adopted the constitution

The initial Company Directors were formally appointed

David McKendry was appointed the initial Company Secretary and Public Officer. 

The Board Resolved to issue Sixteen Shares


November 2009 - Jo Denvir is appointed as CEO 

9 December 2009 Mackay Regional Housing Company Officially Launched

April 2010 - Jo Denvir resigned as CEO

July 2010 

The Mackay Regional Company becomes accredited as a Housing Provider with the Department of Housing & Public Workers.

16 August 2010 - Jennifer Emmett commenced as CEO.

Mackay Regional Council provided an office space in the Council Administration Building.

Jennifer's initial role was to prepare the company to commence operations. 

October 2010 - We moved into our first office at 89 Sydney Street Mackay

November 2010 

George Christensen retired as Company Director

Cr Karen May appointed as Company Director

Our first team members commenced, and we set up our operating systems.

CEO Jennifer Emmett - Tenancy Manager Rochelle Gilbert - Administration Assistant Yvonne Harris. 

Operations Commenced

We worked with Mackay Regional Council staff and tenants to transfer the management of 86 Social Housing Properties to Mackay Regional Housing Company. 

We entered into agreements with the Department of Housing & Public Works and commenced management of 46 Long Term Social Housing Properties. 

The demand for housing continued to increase.

Mackay Regional Housing Company entered into agreements to deliver and manage over 200 National Rental Affordability Scheme properties in the Mackay Region. 

The National Rental Affordability Scheme portfolio started to grow.

Sandra Winner retired as a Company Director

Cr Di Hatfield was appointed as a Company Director

June 2012

The Urban Land Development Authority & Mackay Regional Council donated the land at 17 Paperbark Way Andergrove.

Our team started to grow, and we engaged in our networks.

We planned our future.

Chair Julie Boyd retired as a Company Director

Cr Dave Perkins was appointed as a Company Director

Cr Karen May was appointed as the Chairperson

We built our North Queensland 

Community Housing Network

Our subsidiary Affordable Housing Company, Connect Housing Limited, was registered on 15 January 2013. 

Andrew Paul Retired as a Company Director

Paul Thompson appointed as a Company Director

July 2013

Construction of four units commenced at 17 Paperpark Way Andergrove

In September 2013

We moved to 67 Sydney Street

We rolled out our new brand

We consulted with our tenants

Our affordable housing portfolio continued to grow

Di Hatfield retired as a Company Director

Andrew Paul was reappointed as a Company Director

Our affordable housing portfolio grew and so did our team. 

We maintained our focus on delivering more affordable housing in Mackay

Our affordable housing portfolio continued to grow.

We established a property maintenance business. 

Cr Dave Perkins and Andrew Paul retired as Company Directors.

We welcomed Cr Amanda Camm, 

Cr Frann Mann and Maree Franettovich as Directors. 

Cr Amanda Camm

Cr Amanda Camm

Cr Frann Mann 

 Maree Franettovich 

We continued to consult with our tenants

We facilitated the Whitsunday, Isaac, Mackay Housing & Homelessness forum

Cr Amanda Camm retired as company Director

We moved to our new office in the Dome and continued supporting local housing networks.

It again became exceedingly difficult for low income households to secure a rental property in Mackay. 

We consolidated our services so we could focus on the development of affordable housing. 

After 10 years Kelly Parker retired as Company Director

We finalised our consolidation.

Gavin Rogers retired as Company Director

We thanked Gavin for his long service, financial guidance, and the daily support he provided to Connect Housing Group.

After ten years in the role, Jennifer Emmett retired as Company CEO. 

Jennifer continued to work on a casual basis as the Company Secretary and to assist with the Council Stock Transfer and the Integration with BlueCHP

Toni Hamilton was appointed as the Regional Operations Manager

Stephen Wallace retired from the board. 

Carol Norris became a Director

The Transfer of the Council properties to Mackay Regional Housing Company occurred on Monday 12 February 2024. 

The Shareholders voted in favour of the new integrated company structure on 7 March 2024 and the restructure was finalised on 22 March 2024.

With the change of company structure; Josey Comerford, Paul Thompson, Maree Franettovich and Fran Mann stepped off the board. Jennifer Emmett finished in the role of Company Secretary and Intergration Officer